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Act for Equal and Act for Justice

The Generation Equality Forum was a critical opportunity for action on access to justice and gender equality. The Elders continue to call for an end to gender injustice.


Our calls to action


The Elders urge leaders to prioritise access to justice and gender equality and call for:



"We should seize this opportunity to addresses the injustices laid bare by the pandemic."


"You are needed now more than ever."



Our Activities


Intergenerational Dialogue

How do we accelerate the unfinished business of the landmark Beijing Declaration on women’s rights?

Watch Mary Robinson and Amani Aruri, a member of the Global Youth Task Force on Beijing+25, in conversation:


In a special guest blog for The Elders, UN Youth Envoy Jayathma Wickramanayake reflects on access to justice for women and girls. As the COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated pre-existing inequalities and emerging data shows a significant increase in gender-based violence around the world, Jayathma considers the issues of access to justice for women and girls amid the pandemic – and how we can counter it. 

UN Youth Envoy Jayathma Wickramanayake


High Level Advocacy Workshop

In February 2021, The Elders and Pathfinders for Peaceful, Just and Inclusive Societies hosted a high-level advocacy workshop in which 44 activists and advocates from four continents formulated policy recommendations to enhance access to justice for women ahead of the Generation Equality Forum.

Access to justice workshop


Generation Equality

From 30 June - 2 July, world leaders and diverse change makers will gather at the Generation Equality Forum in Paris to announce ambitious commitments for gender equality. This is a critical opportunity to advance women's and girls' rights - raise your voices and share why you think we need to #ActForEqual. Video by UN women.

Finding Humanity podcast

The Finding Humanity podcast is a joint podcast production of the Humanity Lab Foundation and Hueman Group Media. The Elders have partnered with the Finding Humanity podcast for special edition episodes exploring some of the biggest challenges humanity is facing today.

Listen to Mary Robinson discuss advancing access to justice and gender equality with Hina Jilani.

Listen to Ban Ki-moon and Mary Robinson on ending violence against women and girls - and the role of men in standing up for gender equality. 


Access to Justice for Women policy paper

The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted and exacerbated gaps in justice systems globally, compounded by a worrying disregard in some quarters for the rule of law, particularly at the state level. This crisis has had a particular impact on the lives and rights of women. In January 2022, The Elders released a policy paper on the imperative to close the justice gap for women and strengthen the rule of law.

Read in English

En Español

En Français


The Elders' State of Hope Gathering

The Elders continue to call for improved and sustainable access to justice for women and girls. Over 30 high-level individuals, including Elders Mary Robinson and Hina Jilani, alongside key voices and experts from government, private sector, philanthropy, youth movements and civil society, explore steps that need to be taken to build a world where women and girls have equal access to justice.

Watch the State of Hope Gathering.

The Elders' State of Hope Gathering

"This is a seminal moment to push forward action on women's rights."



Photo: Julien Behal / The Elders

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