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Universal Health Coverage

Nobody left behind: equitable, sustainable and inclusive Universal Health Coverage for all

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Photo: COVID-19 testing in Madagascar, 2020. Photo: World Bank / Henitsoa Rafalia.
The Elders today publish a new Charter for Equitable, Sustainable and Inclusive Universal Health Coverage, marking the culmination of their work on UHC since 2016.

The case for UHC has only been made more acute and apparent from the worldwide experience of the COVID-19 pandemic, which has both exposed and exacerbated profound inequalities within societies.

The Charter examines the ways in which UHC policies are formulated and implemented, and highlights key political and economic decisions that leaders must take to ensure that no-one is left behind or deprived of access to healthcare regardless of income, gender, ethnicity or social status.

The work on the Charter has been led by Ernesto Zedillo, former President of Mexico, and the Yale Center for the Study of Globalization, and represents a synthesis of accumulated experience as to how UHC can work in practice, and how best to implement it in an inclusive and equitable fashion in the broader context of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

The Charter is comprised of five fundamental precepts:

  1. Genuine Universality
  2. Effective and Equitable Insurance
  3. Public Financing
  4. Efficient Delivery of High Quality Services
  5. Progressive Realisation

It acknowledges that each country’s history; capacities, present and future; and political willingness of its leaders, will influence decisively the particular design and construction for an equitable, inclusive and sustainable way to UHC.

But it affirms The Elders’ shared belief that UHC is the best way to achieve every individual’s human right to access the healthcare they need.

As The Elders pivot in 2023 to a new programme on Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness and Response, this Charter will serve as the foundation for a new strategy that draws on the lessons learned from the past six years of UHC-focused advocacy.

Read the full report: Charter for Equitable, Sustainable and Inclusive Universal Health Coverage

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